Hello, and welcome to my corner of the internet!

Close-up, abstract view of architecture.

I’m Ilias Roussos, known to radio amateurs as Sierra Victor One Tango Golf Charlie – SV1TGC. I’m an Electronic Engineer with a Master’s degree and many years of experience in the maritime industry. I work with AV/IT, navigation, communication, and satellite systems. If it beeps, blinks, or makes a ship go, I’m probably involved.

A Few Facts:

  • Tech Enthusiast: When I’m not on a yacht, you’ll find me playing with microcontrollers, 3D printers, or my latest CNC project. My workshop looks like a scientist’s lab, and I love it.
  • Electro Ninja: I love working with power systems and wiring. If something sparks, buzzes, or shocks, I’m there to make sure it doesn’t turn into an unexpected fireworks show.
  • Maritime Expert: Working on yachts has its perks. Beautiful views, dolphins, and the challenge of making sure the Wi-Fi works in the middle of nowhere. It’s harder than it sounds!
  • Networking Nerd: I design and manage network solutions. Making sure all the bits and bytes are in the right places is my specialty. I untangle network cables like they’re spaghetti.
  • Certified Diver: As a PADI Open Water Diver, I’ve had many underwater adventures. Exploring the underwater world is a thrilling experience!
  • Lifelong Learner: I’m always excited to learn new things, evolve my skills, and earn new certifications. Staying updated with the latest technology keeps me on my toes and ready for any challenge.

When I’m not busy with tech, I enjoy sharing my knowledge, connecting with other tech lovers, and exploring new technology.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to explore, connect, or just say hi.